Sciatica, Glaucoma, Heartburn, Tooth Cavity, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do your sciatica drugs and injections have horrible side effects? Is the pain of sciatica driving you crazy? Find natural relief without drugs or surgery.

June 24, 2014 | Dr Glidden | Fire Your MD Now

Ingrid has sciatica and is in pain all the time. Camille’s friend has Kennedy’s disease, Jim’s friend has heartburn and high blood pressure, and Betty has had glaucoma for 20 years. Beverly’s daughter is only 17, and yet she and her mother have the weight of the world on their shoulders. Dr. Glidden gives them hope.

Fibrocystic Breast Disease

16:46 – Beverly in Georgia says her 17-year-old daughter has a banana-sized lump around her breast. They’ll be going to the doctor soon to have it checked. Dr. Glidden says that because of the size of the lump it could well be fibrocystic breast disease and not cancer.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Z Radical per 50lbs of body weight per month

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

31:38 – Cheryl in Alabama has a sister with a bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome. Dr. Glidden talks about the relationship between the hand and the wrist. Surgery does not go to the root of the problem. Inflammation is the problem, and she should avoid the knife.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Anti-aging Healthy Start Pak original formula per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals per 100lbs of body weight per month: Spray on wrist.


45:05 – Ingrid in Florida, 66, has very painful sciatica. The drugs she is taking have bad side effects and she has shooting pains. Dr. Glidden tells Ingrid to find a good chiropractor.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0
1 – Youngevity Ultimate EFA Plus
1 – Youngevity Cal Toddy as an add on to boost calcium intake
1 – Youngevity Liquid Gluco Gel Plus per 100lbs of body weight per month

Tooth Cavity

1:04:40 – Benjamin in New York says he has a cavity in his tooth and wonders what he should take for it. Dr. Glidden says he’ll have to find a good dentist. He gives Benjamin a protocol for oral health.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Cal Toddy as an add on to boost calcium intake

Kennedy’s Disease

1:06:55 – Camille in Washington has a friend in his late 40s who has Kennedy’s Disease. This is a neuromuscular disease. Dr. Glidden talks about genes and mutated genes.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Brain & Heart Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Imortalium per 100lbs of body weight per month
Diet high in cholesterol

Glaucoma, Testimony

1:26:27 – Betty in D.C. has had glaucoma for 20 years. Her eyes are much better since she’s been on Youngevity supplements. She also has a cataract on her right eye.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Daily Capsules per 200lbs body weight per month

High Blood Pressure, Heartburn

1:36:08 – Jim in Indiana has a friend with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heartburn. He’s taking several drugs.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Digestion Pak per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Cal Toddy as an add on to boost calcium intake
Diet high in salt

Fire Your MD Now: Keratosis Pilaris Also Known As Chicken Skin

Fire Your MD Now: Keratosis Pilaris Also Known As Chicken Skin

Keratosis Pilaris Also Known As Chicken Skin

Two Cases of Keratosis Pilaris

Estella in Texas has had keratosis pilaris for 20 years. A month ago she started seeing white spots on her skin and now she itches all over her body. Her son, who is 11, also has keratosis pilaris. This disease affects 40% of the world’s population. It is a skin condition in which rough patches and acne-like bumps appear on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks and buttocks. It tends to be worse in the winter when the humidity is low and the skin is drier. Keratosis pilaris results from a buildup of keratin. Keratin is a hard protein that protects your skin from infection and harmful substances. The keratin forms a plug that blocks the opening of the hair follicle. Usually many plugs form, causing patches of bumpy, rough skin. Estella is also starting to lose her hair and is, at 5’4” and 198 pounds, seriously overweight.

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Obesity is Whose Fault?

Dr. Glidden underlines the fact that Estella has been under the care of conventional medical doctors for 20 years. She has a condition they haven’t been able to cure, and it’s just getting worse. Her son is in the same boat. Estella is overweight, not because she has a bad gene, is lazy or depressed. She is overweight because her body is nutritionally starved. Her body knows it’s nutritionally starved and makes her keep eating food in the desperate attempt to fill its nutritional tanks. But the food she eats doesn’t have the nutrients she needs, so she keeps eating and gaining weight. Dr. Glidden tells her “It’s not your fault, it’s your doctor’s fault.”
Download Dr. Glidden’s Book “The MD Emperor Has No Clothes”

Time for a New Beginning

Look around, everybody’s sick. If you have been suffering with something for more than 3 months, it’s your medical doctor’s fault. Get your own health back. Eliminate the Ten Bad Foods, free list at, and get on board with the appropriate medical nutrition program. Give it a try for 90 days and see how you feel. When this new approach produces results, keep track of them and watch the positive results grow.

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Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension - Dr. Glidden Answers A Question From a Caller

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Susan in Jacksonville, Florida, is calling in for her mother, 84, who has Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, which is high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. She collapsed a couple of times last year and ended up in the hospital, just five minutes from her home. The doctors did a right heart catheterization and her wedge pressure was 100. Later she had an echocardiogram resulting in 88. Susan tells Dr. Glidden that her mother is taking Adcirca, which relaxes muscles and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body. Some possible side effects of Adcirca are chest pain, seizures and fainting. She is also on Orenitram which can improve exercise ability. Its possible side effects are headache, diarrhea, nausea and flushing.

M.D. Greed

Susan’s mother has undergone heart tests that Dr. Glidden blames on the doctors’ desire to benefit monetarily from her mother’s condition. Tests and drugs. Drugs and tests. He isn’t joking when he says the largest percentage of medical doctors per capita in the United States is below the Mason Dixon Line because MDs are like buzzards and they congregate to where people are dying. Most people spend the majority of their health care dollars in the last 5 years of their lives. They are now on drugs to take care of the side effects of all the drugs that have been prescribed to them over the years. They have had several surgeries, and they’re getting sicker and sicker and sicker.

Avoid the Ten Bad Foods Or Else

Dr. Glidden asks Susan if she has the list of the Ten Bad Food. Yes, she answers, but her mother doesn’t want to consider foregoing those foods. Then we really can’t help her, replies Dr. Glidden. He tells Susan to get a brochure from the local funeral home and give it to her mother. Finally Dr. Glidden recommends the Youngevity supplements to support the body of a person with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.

Dr. Glidden recommends:
1 – Youngevity Healthy Brain & Heart Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1- Good Herbs Circulatory Support

Type 2 Diabetes And How To Reverse It Naturally

Dr. Glidden Answers a Type 2 Diabetes Question

Blood Sugar Mike

Mike in Texas has Type 2 Diabetes and is calling in to tell Dr. Glidden with great pride that he is now off Metformin, Lisinopril, and has cut his dosage ofLantus from 14 to 8 units. He’s 63 years old and has been a diabetic for 17 years. Mike is now taking the Youngevity Healthy Blood Sugar Pak. Dr. Glidden tells him to add Plant Derived Minerals to his protocol and to be careful that he takes the minerals between meals if the meals contain phytates like grains, beans, nuts or potatoes. Phytates bind with iron, calcium and zinc, so the minerals can’t be properly absorbed. He tells Mike to watch his webinar Maximize the Absorption of Your Supplements. Become an Insider and you too can benefit from Dr. Glidden’s health webinars.

Sugar is Added for a Reason

As of 2010, Diabetes has become the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. The soil in which our food grows is depleted of minerals, thus affecting the taste of the food. What do the food companies do to make the food taste good? They add sugar! Dr. Glidden’s webinar Advanced Blood Sugar explains how insulin in the body breaks down sugar and what happens to the blood cells when they become nutrient deficient– they are no longer able to metabolize sugar properly. By the end of the webinar you will have a better understanding of Type 2 Diabetes and what you can do to lower your blood sugar by taking a look at the root cause of these ailments: nutritional deficiencies

Are You Taking Metformin?

When you go to your MD to be “treated” for Diabetes, they will prescribe Metformin—the drug that Mike no longer takes. Dr. Glidden talks about what Metformin does to the production of sugar in the liver and the cycle of sugar through the intestines. If you have diabetes, take this very seriously.

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Dr. Burzynski’s Cancer Treatment

Unique Method of Cancer Treatment

Every Patient’s Cancer Is Different

Dr. Glidden’s guest is Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski of the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas. Dr. Burzynski describes the research involved in his unique method of cancer treatment. The number of “sick” genes, i.e. mutated genes, is different in different malignancies. In the most aggressive cancers there can be as many as 600 abnormal genes involved. Every patient’s cancer is different. Cancer needs to be based on the patient’s genome signature, not on today’s diagnostic method which was introduced in the 1840’s. Dr. Burzynski’s method is called personalized targeted medicine, or precision medicine. This is the future of cancer treatment and the treatment of other diseases. Dr. Glidden asks what causes the gene to become mutated in the first place. There is a multitude of causes, including environmental factors, what we eat, and our lifestyles. There are thousands and thousands of containments. Dr. Burzynski proceeds to describe the system he discovered, the system of antineoplastons that work as molecular switches which turn on the genes that eradicate cancer.

Great Deal Of Resistance

Dr. Glidden wants to know whether he has met resistance from oncologists and doctors who practice conventional medicine. Dr. Burzynski replies that patients who come to his clinic have often been to the best cancer treatment centers in the world without positive results. His new approach to treatment is the last possibility for a cure, and therefore there shouldn’t be any resistance. But there has been a great deal of resistance. The problems with the FDA have been resolved, but the Texas Medical Board would like to eliminate his practice altogether, despite the fact that they have evidence of great success. Dr. Burzynski proved that, by using this new approach in advanced cases of cancer, the survival rate was twice as successful as that of any other treatment available. He compares the Texas Medical Board to a communist country that tries to destroy the good in a neighboring country that has a better system than they do, because the comparison is damaging.

New Ideas

America is a country of immigrants who are willing to challenge and to be introduced to new ideas. We have a surplus of bright people but they are not willing to stand up for what they believe. If they do they’re immediately attacked by others. One in twenty oncologists would like to work with Dr. Burzynski and about 150 do, but they don’t want to do it openly. Only some of them are willing to stand up and be counted, but they are immediately attacked by other doctors in the community, so many remain silent for fear of retribution, even though the responses in his patients are the best that they have ever seen. We have a totalitarian system of medicine that dictates what doctors should do. The doctors give patients medications which are determined by the central government. Basically the doctors work under the lawyers and bureaucrats of governmental agencies and will be eliminated if they decide to act in opposition to the rules. The art of practicing medicine has been destroyed by totalitarian medicine, in which every patient is treated in the same way. Dr. Burzynski hopes that the change in America will come in his lifetime, as thousands of people are dying needlessly because of the current system.