VIDEO INTERVIEW: Dr. Burzynski’s Cancer Treatment

Unique Method of Cancer Treatment

Every Patient’s Cancer Is Different

Dr. Glidden’s guest is Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski of the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas. Dr. Burzynski describes the research involved in his unique method of cancer treatment. The number of “sick” genes, i.e. mutated genes, is different in different malignancies. In the most aggressive cancers there can be as many as 600 abnormal genes involved. Every patient’s cancer is different. Cancer needs to be based on the patient’s genome signature, not on today’s diagnostic method which was introduced in the 1840’s. Dr. Burzynski’s method is called personalized targeted medicine, or precision medicine. This is the future of cancer treatment and the treatment of other diseases. Dr. Glidden asks what causes the gene to become mutated in the first place. There is a multitude of causes, including environmental factors, what we eat, and our lifestyles. There are thousands and thousands of containments. Dr. Burzynski proceeds to describe the system he discovered, the system of antineoplastons that work as molecular switches which turn on the genes that eradicate cancer.

Great Deal Of Resistance

Dr. Glidden wants to know whether he has met resistance from oncologists and doctors who practice conventional medicine. Dr. Burzynski replies that patients who come to his clinic have often been to the best cancer treatment centers in the world without positive results. His new approach to treatment is the last possibility for a cure, and therefore there shouldn’t be any resistance. But there has been a great deal of resistance. The problems with the FDA have been resolved, but the Texas Medical Board would like to eliminate his practice altogether, despite the fact that they have evidence of great success. Dr. Burzynski proved that, by using this new approach in advanced cases of cancer, the survival rate was twice as successful as that of any other treatment available. He compares the Texas Medical Board to a communist country that tries to destroy the good in a neighboring country that has a better system than they do, because the comparison is damaging.

New Ideas

America is a country of immigrants who are willing to challenge and to be introduced to new ideas. We have a surplus of bright people but they are not willing to stand up for what they believe. If they do they’re immediately attacked by others. One in twenty oncologists would like to work with Dr. Burzynski and about 150 do, but they don’t want to do it openly. Only some of them are willing to stand up and be counted, but they are immediately attacked by other doctors in the community, so many remain silent for fear of retribution, even though the responses in his patients are the best that they have ever seen. We have a totalitarian system of medicine that dictates what doctors should do. The doctors give patients medications which are determined by the central government. Basically the doctors work under the lawyers and bureaucrats of governmental agencies and will be eliminated if they decide to act in opposition to the rules. The art of practicing medicine has been destroyed by totalitarian medicine, in which every patient is treated in the same way. Dr. Burzynski hopes that the change in America will come in his lifetime, as thousands of people are dying needlessly because of the current system.