Keratosis Pilaris Also Known As Chicken Skin

Two Cases of Keratosis Pilaris

Estella in Texas has had keratosis pilaris for 20 years. A month ago she started seeing white spots on her skin and now she itches all over her body. Her son, who is 11, also has keratosis pilaris. This disease affects 40% of the world’s population. It is a skin condition in which rough patches and acne-like bumps appear on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks and buttocks. It tends to be worse in the winter when the humidity is low and the skin is drier. Keratosis pilaris results from a buildup of keratin. Keratin is a hard protein that protects your skin from infection and harmful substances. The keratin forms a plug that blocks the opening of the hair follicle. Usually many plugs form, causing patches of bumpy, rough skin. Estella is also starting to lose her hair and is, at 5’4” and 198 pounds, seriously overweight.

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Obesity is Whose Fault?

Dr. Glidden underlines the fact that Estella has been under the care of conventional medical doctors for 20 years. She has a condition they haven’t been able to cure, and it’s just getting worse. Her son is in the same boat. Estella is overweight, not because she has a bad gene, is lazy or depressed. She is overweight because her body is nutritionally starved. Her body knows it’s nutritionally starved and makes her keep eating food in the desperate attempt to fill its nutritional tanks. But the food she eats doesn’t have the nutrients she needs, so she keeps eating and gaining weight. Dr. Glidden tells her “It’s not your fault, it’s your doctor’s fault.”
Download Dr. Glidden’s Book “The MD Emperor Has No Clothes”

Time for a New Beginning

Look around, everybody’s sick. If you have been suffering with something for more than 3 months, it’s your medical doctor’s fault. Get your own health back. Eliminate the Ten Bad Foods, free list at, and get on board with the appropriate medical nutrition program. Give it a try for 90 days and see how you feel. When this new approach produces results, keep track of them and watch the positive results grow.

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