Weight Loss, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pulmonary Embolism

Dr. Peter Glidden, ND

Dr Glidden | Fire Your MD Now

Chris just can’t seem to lose weight. Mary is taking a lot of drugs, Bernard’s friend blacks out for no apparent reason, and Kathy is trying to help a woman with no gall bladder. Abi’s client moved to a foreign country while Dean’s friend is coughing up mucus. They sure appreciate Dr. Glidden’s advice!

Weight Loss

19:37 – Chris in Idaho has been eating 1200 calories a day and has been gluten free for 2 weeks, but has not lost any weight yet. He has HIGH BLOOD SUGAR as well. Dr. Glidden says it’s impossible to eat a restricted calorie diet and not lose weight. He has to be eating more than 1200 calories per day. He should download a calorie counting app. There are a few calories in the supplements.

Type 2 Diabetes, Asthma

28:53 – Anthony in Alabama has a client, 78, who is tired of being on medications. He has DIABETES and asthma.
Dr. Glidden recommends:

1 – Youngevity Healthy Body BLOOD SUGAR Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Projoba Omega


31:44 – Anthony’s second client, 41 and 315lbs, has bronchitis and JOINT PAIN.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Click Here To Get Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Bone and Joint Pak per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Projoba Omega

Pulmonary Embolism, High Blood Pressure

33:30 – Mary in Michigan is taking a lot of drugs. Last February she was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. She is taking Coumadin. Her numbers have not improved and she is gaining weight and retaining fluids. She has had 3 back surgeries and her left leg is paralyzed.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Click Here To Get Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Beyond Osteo FX Liquid Calcium
1 – Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Liquid GLUCO Gel Plus per 100lbs of body weight per month


39:54 – Bernard in Virginia blacks out for no reason. The MDs wanted to install a pacemaker. He’s been on BLOOD PRESSURE medications for 8 years and he has had the blackouts for 8 years. Dr. Glidden thinks the medications cause the blackouts.
Dr. Glidden recommends:

1 – Youngevity HEALTHY BRAIN & Heart Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Cardio FX

Gall Bladder

52:24 – Kathy in New Mexico knows a woman who has no gall bladder, is LACTOSE INTOLERANT and has a flat kneecap.
Dr. Glidden recommends:

1 – Youngevity Healthy Digestion Pak per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Liquid GLUCO Gel Plus per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Beyond Osteo FX Liquid Calcium

Vitiligo, Alopecia

56:50 – Kathy says the woman’s daughter has vitiligo and alopecia
Dr. Glidden recommends:

1 – Youngevity Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 100lbs of body weight per month

Endometrial Hypoplasia

1:04:50 – Abi in Florida knows a woman, 60, who has been on Youngevity products for a year. She moved to another country and a DOCTOR diagnosed her with endometrial hypoplasia. Dr. Glidden says she should increase her ORAC to 50,000 to 100,000 points per day and eliminate fried foods from her diet.


1:10:18 – Dean in New York knows someone with extreme congestion who coughs up mucus. The MDs couldn’t find anything.
Dr. Glidden recommends:
Click Here To Get Good Food / Bad Food List
1 – Youngevity Healthy Brain & Heart Pak 2.0 per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Ultimate Selenium per 100lbs of body weight per month
1 – Youngevity Cell Shield RTQ
To Order The Supplements Click Here