Cystic Fibrosis By Dr. Peter Glidden Also Discusses Leg Cramps, Gout and Vertigo

Allen gets leg cramps at night in bed. Mark gets diarrhea and had better eat an apple a day, and Jim has questions about krill oil. Edmond has been dizzy for 10 years. What would you tell Josh who has a 5-month-old baby boy with cystic fibrosis?


27:44 – Marilyn in Arizona started a Youngevity program in September and has had to increase her dosage of Coumadin. She thinks perhaps the Beyond Tangy Tangerine is making her blood thick. Impossible, says Dr. Glidden, and tells her to switch from BTT to Ultimate Classic, and gives her further recommendations.

Cystic Fibrosis

42:08 – Josh in Montana has a 5-month-old son with cystic fibrosis. Dr. Glidden tells him what to give the baby, and says it’s essential that the breastfeeding Mom avoid the 10 Bad Foods and follow a Youngevity protocol.

Krill Oil

54:16 – Jim in Texas wants to know the source of Youngevity’s essential fatty acid capsules and wonders why krill oil is not used instead. Dr. Glidden agrees that krill oil is a good product, but will stick with Dr. Wallach’s decisions on what ingredients to use in the supplements. Fad supplements come and go but Dr. Wallach’s supplements are dependable and effective.

Allergy, Vertigo, Osteoporosis of the Skull

1:03:07 – Edmond in Chicago has been getting dizzy and lightheaded for 10 years. He’s allergic to many foods. Dr. Glidden says he may have osteoporosis of the skull and tells him how balance can be affected by this condition.
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Gout, Leg Cramps

leg cramps1:23:13 – Allen in Alberta has gout and gets severe leg cramps. He tells Dr. Glidden the Youngevity supplements he is taking. Dr. Glidden tells him to add more liquid calcium and selenium and to take the homeopathic remedy Ledum.


1:33:11 – Mark in Oregon is free of his bone and joint issues but 4 weeks ago he started having stomach problems and his diarrhea comes and goes. Dr. Glidden tells him how to take the homeopathic medicine nux vomica. He should also take Root Beer Belly or Flora FX and eat an apple a day and drink more water.
Leg Cramps, Gout, Vertigo, Allergy, Coumadin, Cystic Fibrosis, Krill Oil, Osteoporosis of the Skull
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