Gallstones affect approximately one in ten Americans, and are associated with approximately 3,000 deaths annually.
More than 800,000 hospitalizations each year are caused by gallstones that are large enough to cause significant pain.
Over 500,000 people undergo surgery for gallstones annually.
Avoid becoming another galling statistic. Watch the videos below…
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Linda in Ontario has a friend with gall bladder problems who has been on a Youngevity program for a month.
She’s had an operation, but the gall bladder was not removed. Recently she had another severe attack and the doctors want to remove her gall bladder soon.
Dr. Glidden describes the gall bladder’s purpose and tells Linda that her friend should try the homeopathic medicine chelidonium majus as well as adjust her protocol.
Dr. Glidden Answers A Question About A Gallbladder / Liver Cleans:
Question from a Dr. Glidden INSIDER during one of the INSIDER members weekly Q&A health webinars: “Hey doc, for some time I had been having a very small bowel movement a day and I did a liver/gallbladder cleanse 3 weeks ago (10/19) with apple juice & lemon juice/olive oil, the program Joanne Conaway recommends.
For the last 3 weeks every day with the exception of 3 days I have had several dozens of gall stones along with completely liquid diarrhea 4-6x a day. The stone passage & diarrhea has slowed down a little in the last several days but I was starting to be constipated.
Yesterday I had 16 oz of apple juice. Had dozens of more stones within a few hours & certainly felt better. What concerns me is that even taking on 16 oz slowly made me need 4 extra insulin shots on top of the 4 I normally do.
Since I don’t respond well to insulin I am deeply concerned about taking more for fear of triggering resistance & even more negative responses. Prior to the cleanse I had used herbal rainforest, more PDM, Cal Toddy, flax with no effect at all on constipation.
So far apple juice seems to be the only thing that allows me to have bowel movements several times a day. Is there anything else I can take instead of apple juice?”
Have more questions about how to achieve a healthy gallbladder?
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